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Monday 6 August 2018


Actually breast feeding is an unequaled process of providing perfect food for the healthy growth and development of infants. Also it is an integral part of the reproductive way with important implications for the health of mom. A recommendation from global public health– infants must be solely breastfed for the first six months of life to gain optimal growth and development of health.
Breast feeding to child
Exclusive breast milk provides all of the nutrients vitamins and minerals an infant’s needs for growth for the first six months. Breast milk contains a 100% correct ratio of calories, fluid, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins that are needed for a baby’s development and growth.


Breast feeding or nursing is feeding of babies and young children with milk from a women’s breast. The meaning of exclusive breast feeding is that, the infant receives only breast milk, no other solids or liquids are given, not even water with the exception of oral re-hydration solution, or drops or syrups of vitamins, medicines or minerals.


There are so many advantages of breast feeding which are pointed out in the below:
  1. Breast milk contains antibodies, which will strengthen baby’s immune system and protects against all types of illness.
  2. The nutrients and vitamins in breast milk are easily absorbed compared to the nutrients in formula.
  3. Breast milk is easier to digest then formula.
  4. Children that are exclusive breastfed, have a lower risk of gastrointestinal infections such as vomiting and diarrhoea.
  5. Reduced the risk of constipation and colic.
  6. Reduced the risk of childhood diabetes in breastfed babies.
  7. Exclusive breastfed children have lower risk of asthma. Eczema, ear infections and bronchitis.
  8. Exclusive breastfed babies have a decreased risk of tooth decay.
  9. Improved brain and nervous system.
  10. Reduce the risk of ear infection and prevent recurrent ear infections.
  11. Decrease probability of sudden infant death syndrome.
  12. Exclusive breast feeding help to protect from allergies.
  13. Reduce the risk of being 72 % hospitalized for lower respiratory tract infection (pneumonia, bronchitis) in infants who are breastfed exclusively for more than four months.
  14. If infants are being breastfed at the time of their first exposure to gluten, there is a 52 percent reduction in the in the risk of developing celiac disease.
  15. A reduction of 20 % in the risk of acute lymphatic leukemia and 15% in the risk of acute myeloid leukemic has been seen in infant’s breastfed for six months or longer.
  16. Another advantage of breast feeding is totally free of cost.
  17. Breast milk contains growth factors and hormones to help baby’s development.


Usually, when we hear about breast feeding, we only hear the good things about it- how beneficial it is to the baby, how special it is for the baby and mother, and more. Who ever thought that there might be disadvantage to breast feeding? There are definite disadvantage, those disadvantage are usually downplayed in an effort to get more women to breastfeed their babies.
  1. Lack of freedom.
  2. Diet restrictions.
  3. Passing on infection like chicken pox, HIV AIDS.
  4. Inability to measure the volume of milk the baby consumed.
  5. No one else can feed the baby.
  6. Breast-fed babies wake more often during the night to feed.
  7. Breastfeeding can be difficult to establish without adequate support and information.
  8. Breastfed babies need to be fed more often every 1 ½ – 3 hours.
  9. Some medications are passed through breast milk.

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