#No.1 Nursing Educational Information Website in Nigeria, met for the dissemination of nursing and health related information to the concerned profession.

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Friday 5 April 2019



The national executives council meeting of the National association of Nigerian student nurses and
midwives (NANSNM) under the leadership of Comr. Ayelabowo Oluwasina scheduled to be held
between the 28th- 30th of March, 2019 at school of nursing Ado- Ekiti came to reality as
scheduled. NANSNM is the umbrella association for all nursing students in schools of nursing
across the federation.
The aim of the NEC meeting was to bring comrades (presidents and secretaries) together from
across Nigeria and discuss the progress of the profession in line with the consultations made so far
by the national executives of the association. The NEC meeting was centred on;
 Unity among nursing students in Nigeria (university students and school of nursing
 Movement of schools and ‘colleges’ of nursing to the university.
 National convention.
 Chapter challenges.
 Report on movement so far.
 Account of the association so far.
As scheduled on Thursday 28th of March, 2019, comrades arrived from their various schools
of nursing in Nigeria out of which College of Nursing and Midwifery Bida, Niger state, School of
Nursing and Midwifery Abuja, Baptist School of Nursing, Saki, School of Nursing Efipo, Ebonyi
State, School of Nursing Osogbo, Osun State, School of Nursing, Obangede, kogi state, College of
Nursing, Oke–ode, Kwara State, School of Nursing Ilorin, among other schools. Registration of
comrades commenced immediately after they were taken in. Introductory session commenced at
the school auditorium till 10:05pm after which relaxation followed.
Friday 29th march, 2019
Friday 29th March 2019 was marked with value adding events and part 1 of the meeting. The
first programme of the day was scheduled for 9am to 12pm. It was a two hours lecture and one
hour interactive session but the interactive session became so interesting, making us to be
inquisitive, thereby extending the time by an hour. The topic of the lecture was “ “ Legal tools for
students union, leaders, the necessary Acts nursing students must be conversant with” ”. .
The nitty-gritty of this topic was made by two legal luminaries. Part of the Acts simplified was
“The Nursing and Midwifery Acts, 1978” which had not been reviewed till date wherein the
penalty for quackery act is #1000 naira and in the second schedule, N&MCN registration for final
examination to qualify as registered nurse was pegged at #6 and registration for entry after
becoming a registered nurse is #10 up till date, but how much do we pay today? The above among
other vital Acts that relate to nursing profession and student union movement were explained in the
fluid form for better understanding. More than 13 schools in attendance asked relevant questions
and ways of channelling grievances in a rightful manner that would yield maximum results.
The national president after the break that followed the lecture gave the report from May 2018
till March 2019. He started by appreciating God for the gift of life and strength given unto all
nursing students across the federation. He appreciated the national executives and all the senators
present at the meeting. He explained how the national executives have been trying their best to
stabilise and maintain the association on a very solid foundation to enable her meet the yearnings
of all nursing students across Nigeria irrespective of where they study, their creed, tribe, colour or
He explained how he and his co- executives began to contact various schools on their challenges
and how the gathered challenges which include among others; high school fees, quackery,
unquantifiable certificate, disunity, maltreatment of people who choose to advocate, inconsistency
of policy by the council in years back with the hallmark in long road to acquiring degree in nursing,
led his cabinet into diverse consultations to get into the root of all matters and get
recommendations for solutions. He explained how he honoured the NMCN and NANNM by being
the first two bodies to consult before subsequent consultations. He said the national body wrote a
courtesy visit letter, capturing the session for fair hearing on the 16th of May 2018, to the NMCN
registrar and NANNM President, the evidence which he presented to the house. He said the
National executives were discouraged by the inactions of NMCN and NANNM and forged ahead
for further consultations. The national president of the association confirmed that the Council and
the NANNM have been up and doing in ensuring proper regulation of nursing education and
practice but, he however noted that nursing students form a major part of nursing profession and
they needed to be given fair hearing through their representatives on demand.
He reported that consultations have been made via calls, mailing, physical meetings and text
messages so as to have a good prescription of actions, not excluding relevant literatures. In his
report, he summarized the recommendations from all consultations to nursing leaders, nurses and
nursing students. He said that s education restructuring and involvement in politics were the two
recommendations that consultants kept emphasising. He said that in the bid to commence
awareness and make necessary information available to students, the national body resolved on a
struggle tagged “ “ MOVE US TO UNIVERSITY”. He explained how he travelled to virtually all
schools of nursing in south west to preach unity and create awareness for the movement to
He reported how he and his cabinet built a robust relationship with Nigeria University Nursing
Students Association (NUNSA) in order to foster unity among the Nursing students in Nigeria. He
said he believed that when the students’ body become united, progress becomes inevitable. He also
explained further how the spirit of camaraderie led him and two of his executives (Vice President
and Public Relations Officer) to Abuja for NUNSA national convention in January 2019. He then
explained everything that transpired during the NUNSA national convention wherein NUNSA
went to NANNM to inform the leadership of NANNM that NUNSA and NANSNM would be
hosting a convention together of which we had no knowledge about. This was evidenced when the
NANSNM president called the NANNM president. The NANSNM president expressed his
displeasure to the NANNM president as NUNSA leadership didn’t carry them along in the
convention and claimed to have. This then led the NANNM president to call the Ondo and Ogun
State NANNM secretaries to give us fair hearing and resolve the issue. A meeting was then
scheduled between newly elected NUNSA president and his vice and the NANNSM president and
his vice with a resolution that both parties should go and have a NEC meeting and bring proposal
for central executive council for the two associations which would be representing nursing students
in Nigeria on national matters. This resolution in Sharon hotel, Abuja formed one of the cardinal
reasons for the NEC meeting in Ado-Ekiti to which this communiqué is made.
The president also reported how his cabinet was able to build the structure of the association which
was met falling on picking up the leadership of the association. He reported how he was able to
assemble comrades, talk to them, encourage them and supported them in all forms.
He reported how they were able to open an account for the association as the leadership before him
did not handover the association’s account to him. He also reported how his cabinet was able to
appoint the national legal adviser of the association, a rare gem who is a nurse and a barrister. He
then encouraged everyone to see more reason to be alive to support the movement to the university,
adding that more report would be made available during the national convention in 2019.
He then encouraged all comrades present to encourage their students on their return to follow the
association on social media to be abreast of happenings.
The association has been facing challenges and the association’s account which chapters can pay
into was not handed over to us. It took us months to get the national account opened. It was in
February 2019 that the national account became successful. He then said that lots have been spent
on the association by the executives, stating that over #125,000 has been sacrificially spent by the
national executives. He then urged the chapters to pay up their chapter dues so as to relieve the
burden of lack of finances on the national executives.
After the statement of account has been reported, senators went on break to refresh themselves
and prepare for another session of the part 1 of NEC meeting.
The part one of the meeting started at 5pm with an opening prayer said by the president from
college of nursing, Ilorin. After which the secretary read the agenda of the meeting to be:
 Welcome address by the national president.
 Unification with NUNSA to form a central executive council.
 National convention.
The national president then gave his welcoming address as follows;
All honours and adoration be unto the supreme creator, the only Holy one who rules in supreme
dominion, the one who needs us not to be called God, who has set my feet firm in the capacity of
the National President. I am grateful Lord. Appreciation also goes to the NAANM president, Comr.
Abdrafiu Adeniji and the N&MCN Registrar, Alhaji Faruk Umar Abubakar for the good works so
far. Many thanks to the hosting school principal, Mrs. T.O Bamigboye, for the conducive
atmosphere and hospitality.
I congratulate the entire nursing students across the federation on this noteworthy day for the
success of this epouch-making , National Executives Council meeting, 2019 tagged ‘ ‘ Convergence
for Divergence’ ’. To all presidents and secretaries present for this meeting, executives, you are
wonderful. Kudos to your comradic zeal and efforts that has been appropriated in diligence, good
conduct, and competence in various capacities through which you are called comrades, in the spirit
of camaraderie.
My dearest colleague, the journey to the top is like crawling upon thorns, the roads are rough,
coupled with hills seeming too high and tough to climb and distant destinations appearing
uncoverable, but if you eventually arrive, you become subject of celebration. Impediments
shouldn’t discourage us, it should be a reason to strengthen us even the more. I have seen
impossibilities as nothing more than motivation. You too can.
In the same vein, I want to humbly encourage all students to see books as a tool to mandate
acquisition. In line with late chief Obafemi Awolowo, who saw the bigger picture of the
significance of education long before my birth, I want to concur that any people starved with books,
especially the right types of books would suffer intellectual malnutrition, stagnancy and atrophy.
Let’s see academics as one of the tools to reaching the top where our voices would be as loud as
fierce thunder.
Our journey so far in Schools of Nursing and unionism has being marked with lots of challenges,
discouragement, encouragement, appointment and disappointment but we are here today for this
NEC because we refused to be discouraged even when impossibility sings the loudest. It is no
longer news that schools of nursing is the root of diversity and incoherent voices in nursing
profession. The era of dearth of relevance information is over, the light is here, the revolution has
started where restructuring is needed in this profession.  Move us to University is our new song.
What ought to have been done in years past is what we are now agitating for in this era. What a
pity! Those good recommendations and suggestions that have been trashed and bin over the years
are now voicing from the seclusion, calling all comrades to carry them out to limelight.
On a final note, I want to sincerely urge the nursing students across all the Schools of Nursing in
Nigeria to cooperate with the national body through the zones and local chapters to ensuring that
there is a halt to all ensnarement, nice assault on our future and the exploitation which has become
the order of the day, most especially in southwest schools. Still standing on my humble philosophy,
. together we can. On this good note, I want to say AMANDLA AWETHU.
WELCOME TO NEC meeting, 2019, the first of its kind tagged CONVERGENCE FOR
DIVERGENCE. Thank you.
The Gen. Secretary read the next agenda to NANNSM structure. The structure of NANNSM was
read out from the programme of event. The six zones in Nigeria were read out and out of the 6
zones, only 3 zones (South West, North West and North East) have structure while other zones
(South South, South East and North Central) do not have a well built NANSNM structure because
of lack of the zonal executives who can help to capture the zones. Since there is a representative
from the South East and North Central, the president appointed Comr. Monday Odu from Ebonyi
State as the chairman for caretaker committee for South East, urging him to work well to make up
a full house and build the South East structure. The national provost emphasised the need for the
structure at this crucial time for the benefit of student populace and this would go a long way in
fostering unity and dissemination of information. The president of college of nursing and
midwifery Bida, Niger state said that structure is something the association cannot do without,
stating that he has been longing to meet the national body long ago, that if the north central had
had the structure, much would have been done in the north central. He then affirmed that the
association needs proactive comrades at this crucial time, urging senator Monday to be proactive at
his duty post. The president of College of Nursing Igando Lagos state asked when the committee
would be dissolved. The president then considered that it would be dissolved after zonal election in
the zone when zonal executives of the zone are elected, possibly during the national convention.
The national provost then asked Sen. Monday how he would go about building the structure in the
South East. Sen. Monday then told the house that he would try all his best to form a team and get
the structure built. The house after many reactions then agreed to his appointment as the chairman
of the caretaker committee for NANSNM South East. For north central, the president said that all
schools from the North Central should meet before leaving the venue to select the zonal care taker
committee that would help to build the structure in north central. NANSNM South South which
ought to have been represented by Abia State but could not make the meeting remain the only zone
without a good structure. Senators agreed to put efforts together in ensuring that South South zone
is built.
The general secretary raised the second agendum. The house then started to react to the motion.
The vice president said the resolution in a meeting in Abuja with NANNM national is that
NANSNM and NUNSA should form a central executive council, a resolution which can come to
reality upon agreement by the NEC of each association. He stated that uniting with NUNSA would
foster unity and make the voice of nursing student in Nigeria coherent and more audible. The
president emphasized on the importance of the unification and encouraged reactions from the
house. A senator from Kwara State College of Nursing Oke-ode asked how well the leadership of
NUNSA is ready about the process. Another senator asked what the two bodies tend to gain from
the process. The vice president affirmed that the current NUNSA national executives are ready to
work with NANSNM and that it all depends on how we respond. A senator from Ilorin suggested
that during the process of agreement the legal advisers of the two associations should be highly
involved. Sen. Adeyemo, the chapter president of School of Nursing, Federal Teaching Hospital,
Ido- Ekiti welcomed the idea of the unification process and said it would go a long way in helping
the movement “MOVE US TO UNIVERSITY”. Another senator emphasised the need for a legal
document for the process to work effectively. Senator Abubakar Kabir Modibbo from Abuja then
asked how the CEC would run the post within the council. Sen. Abbas, the president of College of
Nursing and Midwifery Bida, Niger state welcomed the idea of the unification process. Senator
Abubakar Kabir Modibbo from FCT Abuja said he did not key to the idea of the unification
process stating that ‘ the two association can come together to have a single name instead of having
CEC for the bodies’. He went further by saying that his school was once faced with similar
challenge but they overcame by having two constituency for school of nursing and midwifery
whereby constituency A was assigned to position which include; president, financial secretary and
PRO while the constituency B was assigned the positions which; vice president, general secretary
and the auditor. He then said that these constituencies are being rotated yearly between the two
schools. He then resolved that if this can be applied it would be the best. He then cited an instance
saying “If President goes to the university in one year, then it should go to school of nursing in the
following year “. The president replied that using that system might not be feasible because of the
peculiarities in university system and school of nursing. Sen. Lapite, the president of Baptist
school of nursing, Saki, asked about the zonal and local chapters stating that having the CEC only
in the national level should also transcend to local and zonal chapters to make the reaction robust
and foster the desired meeting faster and longer. The vice president replied that the CEC is a
temporary measure till all schools of nursing will be moved to the university adding that the
unification process to form the CEC is mostly needed on national matters like meeting NMCN,
NANNM national, federal government and on international matters.
The president upon more explanation of the unification process and giving ears to reactions from
the house resolved that the house should say “HI” if the national executive council agreed with the
process or “NAY” if the house is not in support. The house echoed “ “ HI” ” against “nay” , meaning
that the NEC agreed with the unification process wherein the NANSNM national president, vice
president, general secretary, public relations officer and the provost are to be presented from
NANSNM national before NANNM national to make up the CEC on the resolutions below;
 That there would be a legal document to authenticate the process.
 That the CEC would rotate the head of the council on yearly basis.
 That the signatories to the account would be both parties.
 That NANNM and the NMCN would not listen to any representative from any of
the two bodies if singly represented except on approval from the party not in
 That the CEC would work in the good interest of Nigeria nursing students.
The national executive council having unanimously agreed on the unification process at 12.30am
in the midnight resolved to continue the rest of discussing by 8am. The president then moved the
motion for the adjournment of the meeting till 8.00am in the morning and the motion was
seconded by the vice president after which the closing prayer was said by Senator Adeyemo. The
meeting came to a close at 12.37am on Saturday.
Saturday 30th march, 2018.
The day started with the singular movement of the administration “MOVE US TO UNIVERSITY”
at 9am in the morning on Saturday. The minute of Thursday meeting was read by the Gen
secretary and was adopted to be correct, complete and comprehensive by the FCT School of
nursing vice president representing his president.
The meeting of the day start with an opening prayer ably said by ECWA School of nursing
president. The vice president was then called upon to present the paper work compiled by the
national executives wherein the details about “move us to university” movement was embedded.
He presented well and the house was requested to react and give strategies on how to go about the
movement as nursing students in schools of nursing have been cheated for long. A senator from the
house after the presentation of the paper work rose up to suggest rejection of council examination,
stating that motion movement of school of nursing into university has been on for over 30 years
ago, he continued by saying showing total apathy in all things would go a long way in affirming
our pains and unease. The president replied that this motion had been moved over 30 years ago
according to relevant information from relevant literatures. A senator from the house added that
several circular has been released by the council years ago but up till date, there is no change in
our narratives.
During the session of move us to university, relevant literature among which “professionalism and
unionism in nursing” was one of them were brought into the house as evidence of inconsistency in
the policy of NMCN in years past. The president then addressed the house that the current NMCN
registrar is a good and large hearted man who has good intentions for nursing in Nigeria but his
fear is that some cabals that are not wanting this to happen may orchestrate diverse situation before
2023 and hence render the circular released by the council as equal as earlier ones (circular without
effect) he concluded. Senator Oluwasogo Motunrayo school of midwifery Akure was encouraged
and was ready to support the movement. She then stood up to ask the president about the fate of
basic midwifery in this movement. The president replied that whatever is good for basic school of
nursing is also good for the basic schools of midwifery, stating that all basic schools would be
positively affected.
The upcoming Florence Nightingale Speech Contest (FNSC) was then pointed out, not excluding
NISONMG and nursing council examination. A suggestion was then raised by a comrade in the
house to say NO TO FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE SPEECH CONTEST this year and afterwards
. until implementation of movement to the university begins. FNSC is meant for the students and
not for the tutor, hence if we are saying we are not interested anymore until our demands is met, I
think there is nothing wrong with it, the national provost submitted. Sen. Olalekan Oluyole said the
idea is brilliant and he asked how the students would be stopped from attending.
The national president replied that the chairman of the FNSC would be notified if the house
resolved that we should say  NO to FNSC, adding that the students would be made to realise how
they have longed been cheated and maltreated by the structure on ground. He added that bagging a
degree by student who finished from school of nursing is a journey of a minimum of s 8years instead
of 5years straight in the university. He continued by saying that he had seen many students waiting
for a revolution. The president of Baptist school of nursing, Sen. Lapite said some students might
disappoint by showing interest in FNSC. A senator then replied that if this assembly can
unanimously agree to say NO to FNSC, then, the decision binds on every members of the
association and on no account should one deviate from the decision. He went further in his
statement by saying that the assembly here would not enjoy the fruit of this movement but our joy
is that people coming after us would not pass through the same road which we passed. The
national vice president then said that his school once said that they are not interested in FNSC and
student stopped paying for such. He added that showing apathy in FNSC is what is based on so
many factors, adding that it is even a means of extortion in some schools. He added that nursing
students have been very cool for long, suffering in silence and dying in silence. I want to resolve
that this movement is worth it and that every student who are apostles of progress would see
reasons to start showing apathy in school of nursing activities, adding that it would go a long way
in speaking to the nation that we are fed up of diploma training without educational certificate to
present after our study in school. Sen. Abbas Mohammed, the president of college of nursing
science, Bida, Niger state commented said that we should ask ourselves the reason for the FNSC.
He continued by saying that some schools are paying the fee for FNSC whereas they don’t attend..
He then said that if this house would unanimously agree to halt FNSC, a written order would be
made available by the national body of this association, including that collection of fees should be
stopped by all management. He said halting the FNSC is to showing our displeasure in school of
nursing training which has no advantage again as everyone is required to go to the university after
school of nursing, meaning that school of nursing is almost a waste of resources since 3 years of
rigor in school of nursing is equivalent to one year in the university. He then concluded by saying
“I want to on this reason support MOVEMENT TO UNIVERSITY and measures to achieving it”.
Sen. Adeyemo kazeem said saying NO to FNSC would show our seriousness about the movement.
He said that some schools might not want to comply but if this assembly is making resolution to
say NO, then so be it. He then concluded by saying “I support the movement MOVE US TO THE
UNIVERSITY and measures to achieving it” and encouraged senators in the house to support the
motion, NO TO FNSC.
Sen. Peter from ECWA School of Nursing, Kogi state commented on the issue and said that saying
NO to FNSC now is somehow short. He asked the house to look at time frame. He continued by
saying the motion is a welcomed one but what about the time. “The time is not too short, rather
this is the perfect time to push this struggle” a senator from Abuja commented.
Comr. Abubakar from FCT Abuja asked the national executives how the resolution, if the house
agreed would be made available to all chapters across the country.
The national provost replied that NANSNM national through the office of the PRO would ensure
publicity and adequate circulation of resolutions. The national PRO then commented that his office
is capable of making resolutions made by this assembly across the necessary quarters. Senator
Peter after the reassurance, then agreed to support the motion to say NO to FNSC until movement
of schools of nursing began in Nigeria.
Sen. Imran Abdulwadud from school of nursing, Osogbo, commented that the house should have
more than one plan to achieving this movement. He said that he is in conformity with NO to FNSC
as plan A and that the house should device plan B and C which can easily be switched into should
one is not giving the desired result on time.
The national President gave kudos and commented that plan B and C had been deliberated upon by
the national executives and is secured. He continued by saying that the schools who were not
represented would not go against any of the resolutions of this assembly as it is not for our own
personal interest, but for the interest of all students and the profession at large.
Sen. Anthony Benjamin gave his own view about the matter and resolved to be in support. He also
registered his fear in some coward schools.
The national Provost replied that chapters who are going against the resolution of this assembly
should face the penalty as stipulated by our constitution. He went further by saying “this is not the
time to fear but a time to be strong even in the face of threat”.
Upon the various contributions from the house, the president presided by asking the house to say
“ “ HI” ” if they were in support that nursing students should say  NO to FNSC until we are moved to
y the university and NAY if the house was not in support of the movement. At 12.30pm, the house
echoed “ “ HI” ” against “NAY”, a resolution that “we are not interested in FNSC until we are moved
to University”. The house then urged the national President and his cabinet not to betray the
resolution of the NEC nor trade it for anything, adding that the administration has been a lover of
students and should try to maintain the spirit.
Comr. Eluwande of ECWA School of Nursing, Egbe, Kogi state then urged the national body to
make the written agreement available to all schools.
Comr. Dele Ibrahim of Igando from College of Nursing & Midwifery suggested that the
resolutions should be made available to NANNM.
Sen. Olalekan asked about NISONMG and other activities. The president replied that all other
activities are in view. Sen. Dele Ibrahim then asked the time to communicate the resolutions to the
students and other SON. The President replied that all local chapters should call for an emergency
congress on Monday 1st April 2019 to relay this information to the students.
The national treasurer, upon the explanation of how crucial it is for all local chapters to pay up
their dues, gave out the account of the association alongside the deadline for all payment as agreed
by the national executives to be the 30th of April, 2019. The senators having seen the pains of the
national executives from the inception of the tenure agreed to pay up their dues before the deadline.
The NEC made a resolution during the meeting that the national P.R.O in person of Comr.
Akinyotu Kehinde should ensure that he sets up a committee on publicity to help in dissemination
of information as at when due and appropriate. The national P.R.O referred to how efforts was put
in place in making sure that this was possible some months ago and how all efforts with the other
executives on it was to no avail. He added that the P.R.O from each chapters were not responsive
and alive to their assignments when the team was set up. Sen. Adeyemo commented that any
comrade lagging behind in his place of assignment should be sanctioned and shown the way out,
adding that this period is very crucial to our movement. Senators from the house agreed on the
implementation of sanction on any comrade who is lagging behind in his place of assignment.
The issue of the national convention where election is to take place took up the space after the
resolution of introduction of sanction as appropriate, as stipulated by the constitution. The
suggestion of e date and e venue of the convention was thrown to the house by the national president.
The national vice president in person of Comr. Dahunsi Bolarinwa was of the opinion that having
national convention alongside FNSC is not too proper as students were deprived of some liberty
which should not be in a students’ convention. He added that having convention during nightingale
does not give opportunity for proper handing over of office which was a major setback for their
tenure when they took over. He added that this administration would not want such to repeat itself.
History was also referred to when Mr. Makinde said he would dissolve NANNSM in Osogbo,
Osun State during FNSC, where Comr. JP, Comr. Thank God among other comrades told him that
FNSC committee do not have the power to dissolve NANSNM. Therefore, looking into this and
other factors, he was of the opinion that the convention should not be during FNSC. Some senators
agreed with the national vice president to have the convention as a separate programme, not
attached to FNSC or any programme whatsoever.
Comr. Lapite suggested the 1st week of May and it was supported by Comr. Adeyemo. The
national treasure objected the suggested May, stating that it would clash with hospital finals in her
school. Comr. Adeyemo added that May is the only month feasible for his school. Comr. Lapite
stood up to inform the house that the month of May through July would be very busy for most
schools, as they would be writing their hospital finals by then. She then suggested, months after
this period. Comr. Alagbe Ayomide from ECWA SON suggested the month of August stating that
the month is free and that proper planning and fund raising can be ensured. Comr. Josepoh said
that August is the hospital final in School of Nursing, Ado-Ekiti, hence the first week in August
might not be feasible. The national Vice President said that it is dangerous to plan national
convention on empty account hence, going for May would not be an advantage but rather will put
them in the sphere of incapability.
Senator Abbas from Bida, Niger State said that his hospital final is also in the first week of August.
The national President said that the tenure is a year period which is expected to end in May 2019.
He urged the house to look into this and endeavour to put resources together towards achieving the
success of the convention in May. The national provost said his school was also going to be
engaged in July and the month might not also be feasible. He went further by saying, May is not
feasible as there is no enough fund in the association account to plan convention on.
Senator Adeyemo then told the national executives not to blame any school for non payment of
dues as they were not given directives to that earlier enough, he added that the tenure is expected
to end in May but the issue of finance is now the bottleneck. The national provost replied that lots
of efforts were put in place to open the association’s account earlier but efforts to no avail, stating
that it is fraudulent to use our accounts to take dues from chapters. He added that the association
got the account opened in the late January, 2019.
The president then resolved upon diverse reasons and suggestions that the month of May and
August is taking the space. He then called for voting to settle the matter. The month of August had
3 votes above the month of May after the voting. Hence the NEC resolved to have the national
convention in the month of August, the second week in the month (August 11-15). For the venue,
majority of the senators suggested South South or South East so as to get the zones more involved.
Sen. Sunday from Ebonyi State accepted to go home and make findings if his school would be able,
adding that if not, Enugu would be perfect for the event. Tentatively, the NEC resolution about the
convention is as follows;
Date: August 11th-15th, 2019
Venue: Ebonyi state.
The fees paid in each school was reviewed by the NEC and observations were made. Some schools
are collecting funds which students do not enjoy what the funds were meant for. It was discovered
that some fees being paid by students most especially in South West is not supposed to. NEC
resolved that having had the bills of all schools, the concerned schools would be written to for fair
hearing. Comr. Benjamin from Abuja said, he was very surprised that some schools could be
paying as high as #650,000 in a year whereas he pays #25,000 in his own school. Sen. Abbas from
Niger State also lamented on the exorbitant school fees in South West schools. In addition, most
senators expressed their displeasure on the high school fees of their fellow comrades in south west,
adding that we are ONE NATION, ONE PEOPLE and our brothers deserve not unnecessary
billings. The NEC resolution is to first embrace dialogue. The national executives assured the
students that something would be done soonest in concerned schools.
The challenges faced in schools and colleges of nursing were tabled during the NEC meeting.
College of Nursing, Igando presented before the house that any student that failed during
examination would be made to pay #7,500 per course for re-sit examination, adding that the
management told them that council gave a directive that they should not cook whereas students
from other schools of nursing prepare their own meal. Comr. Omoleye added that paying for re-sit
examination is not only happening in Igando, it also happens in some other schools, stating that her
school introduce #5,000 back then and was taken up by the chapter executives after which it was
reduced to #2,000. She further affirmed that the payment is illegal. Comr. Olalekan from UCH said
that NEC should look into the modus operandi in teaching hospital where nurses are not allowed to
set line, which directly affects the training of nursing students, stating UCH as a case study. He
continued by saying that, we should be interested in the provision of written document to that
effect which should be reviewed by our mother body NANNM.
Sen. Modibbo from Abuja raised the issue of maltreatment of students who were referred by
council to write the examination again. He said that they should be granted privilege to stay in the
hostel. Comrades from ECWA SON, Obangede, Osogbo, Akure, Abuja, Niger, Lagos among
others presented the challenges facing students in their various schools before the NEC. The
national executives assure student populace to be rest assured that their challenges would be tabled
before the necessary authorities appropriately.
A father of ours you are, we have heard a lot of good comments and reports about you sir and it
has been evidenced by your good intentions and deeds ever since you became the registrar of the
council. The Nigeria nursing students in schools of nursing whom we are representing have one
cry on daily basis which we would reveal to you sir. You can seek their opinion for confirmation
of this silence cry. We are all saying “ “ WE ARE TIRED OF HOSPITAL-BASED TRAINING,
In the same vein sir, the NEC humbly uses this medium to request for the following:
 A students’ department in the council where there would be an officer that would be ever
ready to receive students’ complaints at all times and give swift respond and or swift
referral to the registrar.
 A reminder circular on the deadline given by the council for the movement of hospital-
based training to the university on or before 2023.
 Checking of the schools of nursing in terms of school fees most especially in the south west
We definitely believe the NEC request would be looked into and that the students’ populace would
hear from you through their representatives or directly from you soonest. We are grateful to you sir.
The number one nurse in Nigeria, the NEC in all humility and respect wish to appreciate your
support to student body. We are indeed grateful sir. The coming together of NUNSA and
NANSNM which has been one of your greatest desires is now made officially possible with
respect to the vitality in UNITY and your encouragement for togetherness. The NEC has agreed to
present five officials from the NANSNM national to form the Central Executive Council and do all
things together as a body pending 2023 when all diploma training would be sent into oblivion. We
hereby want to urge you to help us with your capacity as the NANNM national president and NLC
vice president to influence the federal government of Nigeria towards promulgating laws that
would enhance the creation of more departments and reduction in the prevalence of quacks and the
act involved in it. We are definitely sure that as our father, we would see results of our request very
soon. We are grateful to you sir.
Solidarity greetings to you all. The silent voice of ours for years ago has been brought before the
two pillars of nursing profession in Nigeria. We would continue to serve you and deliver the best
of our knowledge. We owe your selfless service. We want to urge you all to continue to be of good
behaviour and be steadfast in your academics. The power of a book is more than the weight of a
trailer, hence, mental strength can never be compare to any physical strength. Let us be encouraged
to study well and also encourage others to read well. Let us be reminded that Readers are leaders.
In the same vein, we want you to abide by the resolutions made in our good interest and the
interest of incoming generations. We are grateful to you for electing us to serve you. Thank you all.
In conclusion, all senators that attended the meeting presented the challenges militating against
students in their various schools. The NEC has made some resolutions which should be strictly
followed in the best interest of the students in schools of nursing across the federation. We hereby
want to urge the students’ populace to be supportive and willing to sacrifice to making the
incoming enjoy better education and treatment. The following were the schools present in
attendance during the NEC meeting tagged E CONVERGENCE FOR DIVERGENCE held in
School of Nursing, Ado-Ekiti.
 School of Nursing, Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti, Ekiti State.
 College of Nursing, and Midwifery Igando Lagos state.
 College of Nursing, Science, Bida, Niger state.
 School of Nursing, University College hospaital, Ibadan, Oyo State.
 School of Nursing, Akure, Ondo state.
 School of basic Midwifery, Akure, Ondo state.
 ECWA School of Nursing, Egbe Kogi state.
 School of Nursing Osogbo, Osun state
 College of Nursing Oke- Ode, Kwara state
 School of Nursing, Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ado-Ekiti.
 Baptist School of Nursing Saki, Oyo state.
 College of Nursing, Ilorin Kwara State.
 College of Nursing Obangede, Kogi Stae.
 School of nursing Afipo Ebonyi State.
 School of Nursing and Midwifery FCT, Abuja.
 Comr. Ayelabowo Oluwasina. National President.
 Comr. Dahunsi Bolarinwa Vice President.
 Comr. Ososanya Modupe General Secretary
 Comr. Akinyotu Kehinde Public Relations Officer
 Comr. Ajayi Ayobami Provost.
 Comr. Alagbe Ayomide Auditor General 1
 Comr. Joseph Stephen Auditor General 2
 Comrade Jimoh Alimat Treasurer.
Comr. Ayelabowo Sina, Comr.Ososanya Modupe,
National President. General Secretary.
07018691993. 08165022513.

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