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Monday 11 March 2019

Talks under way at WRC between Govt and nursing unions

Negotiations between nursing unions and the Government
have moved to the Workplace Relations Commission in a
bid to conclude a new contract of employment as part of
measures to address staff shortages in the profession.
SIPTU has confirmed that unions are meeting the HSE, the
Department of Health and the Department of Public
Expenditure and Reform this afternoon at the WRC in a bid
to break the deadlock between the two sides.
The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation described the
talks as being at a "critical" phase.
In an update to members, it confirmed that the contract
negotiations have moved to the WRC this afternoon.
The INMO said this followed intensive engagement with
the employer side, during which the union had made
progress in removing the "most objectionable" elements
from the much-publicised first draft of the employer's
proposed contract.
It told members that the Executive Council will only
recommend in favour of the deal if the contract
negotiations produce an acceptable outcome for members.
In a Labour Court ruling issued last month to stave off
further strike action, the Court recommended the
introduction of a new higher paid grade of Enhanced Nurse
Practitioner which could be accessed after four years of
It also advocated the extension of allowances to a broader
cohort of the nursing and midwifery profession.
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform - which
oversees public service pay - has calculated the cost of
the new nurses deal at up to €50 million extra by the end
of 2020, with €10-15m this year, and €30-35m next year.
However, the Department has repeatedly stressed that
those figures are conditional on significant - as yet
unenumerated - savings from proposed productivity
measures in the new contract.
Nursing unions rejected initial management proposals that
would have provided for greater flexibility on the length of
shifts, and redeployment within 45km without
Progress will need to be made soon if unions are to meet
their balloting deadlines - with the INMO ballot due to
commence on Monday, and to conclude on 25 March.
Speaking on his way to the WRC, SIPTU Health Division
Organiser Paul Bell said it would be impossible for his
union to recommend the current draft contract provisions
which would have a significant impact on the terms and
conditions of members.
Some sources have queried whether there was any point in
holding the ballot if members had not been briefed on the
content of the contract - particularly in relation to
productivity demands.
Asked about progress in the contract negotiations, a
Department spokesperson said they had no comment at
this time.
Source: rte and Nursingworldnigeria

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