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Wednesday 2 January 2019

No Body makes it to the Forbes magazine list of Richest and Influential people through their savings by Princewill Aghedo.

No Body makes it to the Forbes magazine list of Richest and Influential people through their savings.

Before you take up that job in the Government or private hospital,Ask yourself :

  •  would my Vision of being an Holistic change Agent be Given an edge if I start working in the government/Private setting?
  • Would I have the Luxury Of time to Pursue   both formal and Informal  Education Programme while working with the government or private setting?W
  • Wouldthe Environment and mindset of People working in this setting be a Boost to me or Detrimental to my Career vision?

 Ask your self these questions and critically examine Wat ever u are doing now and see if your Dreams are been captured in your activities

As for me, The Richest and Impactful Nurses I know of Whom are leading the Trail In the Areass of Advocacy, Politics, Media,Co-operte organisations,Research,And Education are Not Working in Any private Or Government establishments...

 Mention 5 Nurses That you look up to in The government hospital, and I would show you 20 Nurses Whom U need to be under their Mentorship.

The sole Aim of this write up is never to discredit any Nurse Working in the Private or Government setting as they have been Exceptional over  The years in delivering quality health services through International best practices.

But as we all know,Not everyone Can function Optimally in the Clinical Setting as well as NGOs and Cooperate And Media organisations.

Nursing is multifaceted and Has Diverse Areas Which directly or indirectly captures our Dreams and visions.

  • To all the Nurses out there Whom have a burning passion to be  a change agent in the profession, I beg you to Please Think twice before Taking any Job offered to you as The later results of this decision usually  includes: Poor career Growth,
  • Little or no room to Attain more formal and informal education,J
  • Jobdissatisfaction that in turn tempts you to leave the profession,U
  • Underutilisation of your Potentials which gradually leads to the Death of it,N
  • NoAccolades For most of The Job well doneW
  • Wearingout And Mental Stress because of The Poor management of man power in these settings.

For your Dreams and Vision to Get a boost,Kindly follow Some of the tips below :
1) Join an Organization or Association that Captures your Career goals and Vision.

2)Involve in more Volunteering Jobs As this would Increase your Exposure and Help Broaden your Horizon in your Scope of Thinking

3)Create a Niche for yourself

4)Be Under mentorship  that Allow you to grow Even beyond your mentor,But it Should be gradual.

5)Dont ask me how  you would survive because survival Is a lifetime trail and Your Involvement in these Activities ideally don't Cost you much even when you hv a lot to gain

 Know today that you have all the ability to achieve your dream. Be in a state of reasourfulness, and never doubt your abilities. CONCIOUSLY BELIEVE  IN YOURSELF

7)Work very Hard and Smartly In all of your Pursuit.

Atleast one hour daily. The result is that your mind won't remain the same, you will begin to solve problem others cant solve.

9)Attain certification in Health and Non Health related courses :This makes you prepared and Giveyyou an Edge when an opportunity comes forth.

10) Become an IT Savvy....
Surf the Internet Effortlessly and be Active on Most social media Handles to connect with link minded individual and Get access to Quality information.

11)Speak positively always about this profession you wish to change as This gives you The consciousness to Improve lives and stay on track...

You have to be Intentional in other to be Successful as Success is not a guess work or Trial and Error pursuit"

Thanks for Reading to the End as I know many would not😊

Princewill Aghedo(J2k)
A Descendant of Nightingale💃🏽...

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